Basilico Slideshow

BasilicoSlideshow creates an adaptive image slideshow for mobile device browser: it calculates the right dimensions according to container width, as a div tag, and browser height.


  • You can use any proportion you want! You also can use original image size, and the script will adapt the image to viewport.
  • It supports orientation changes and also resizing to support old safari versions.
  • toLeft, toRight and fadeOut effects with CSS3 transitions where supported.
  • You can enter text and link for any image.
  • No javascript framework used: so no Jquery old version or other conflict problems.
  • Low size: just 19kb minimized.
UX characteristics:
  • Supports touch event.
  • Vertically scrolling on the slideshow cause a vertically page scrolling.

Tested on mobile browsers:

  • IPhone: Safari, Opera mini, ...
  • Android: Dolphin, Firefox, ..

Note: the script doesn't let start effects if it detects Opera Mini, because Opera Mini stops effects for his optimizations.


* basilicoSlideshow(aImgs, proportion, maxWidth, [,divContainer [,options])
* Create an image slideshow
* aImg: an array of image url - example {images: [{url:"", text:"", link: ""}, {url:"", text:""}, ...][, urlTarget: "_blank"]}
* proportion: the images proportion - examples: {x:4,y:3} , {x:16,y:9}
* maxWidth: the max width of the slideshow
* [divContainer: the id of the container, can be null]
* [options: {
cssClass:"shadow",//this is not the default value
timer:5000(in milliseconds) or 0 to disable
showImagesCounter:true (or false),
counterBgColor:"grey" or "url(img.gif)",
loadingText: "Loading",
textBgColor: "grey" or "url(img.gif)",
textColor: "white"
textBgOpacity: 0 to 100 - default: 90

How To Use

Inline js
<script type="text/javascript">
new basilicoSlideshow({images: [{url: "url1.jpg", text: "google", link:"url"}, {url: "url2.jpg"}, {url: "url3.jpg", text: "bla bla bla"}], urlTarget: "_blank"}, {x:1:y:2}, 300, null, {cssClass:"shadow"});

DOMContentLoaded event
<script type="text/javascript">
function() { new basilicoSlideshow({images: [{url: "url1.jpg", text: "google", link:"http://url"}, {url: "url2.jpg"}, {url: "url3.jpg", text: "bla bla bla"}], urlTarget: "_blank"}, {x:1:y:2}, 300, "divId", {cssClass:"shadow"});}
, false);
<div id="divId"></div>

Style customization

To customize the text of slideshow with CSS, your have to make a rule with the selector #BasilicoSlideshowText and set !important for each declaration, to overwrite inline rules:

#BasilicoSlideshowText a, #BasilicoSlideshowText a:visited {color: white !important}


Basilico Slideshow v.1.8.6 - minimized version
Changes log



Slideshow textshow aspect where touch events are supported
Slideshow textshow aspettect where touch events are supported

Do you need only sliding effects, nothing else?