Basilico Tooltip

BasilicoTooltip lets you use a tooltip into your page without include any javascript framework.


* BasilicoToolTip({color:"green", bkground:"white", elemDist:20});
color: text color
bkground: background css proprerty
elemDist: desired distance from elements

How To Use

You just find "/*!Customezeme!!*/" into source and customize the BasilicoToolTip params.
Set "data-title" into tags.
To use with other scripts: use showBasilicoTooltip(ElemObject) and hideBasilicoTooltip() functions.

BasilicoTooltip can be used with any Javascript template framework as Knockout:
data-bind="event: { mouseover: showBasilicoTooltip, mouseout: hideBasilicoTooltip }"

Style customization

Just setting rules for #BasilicoTooltip
Css rules used in this example: border-radius: 4px; and box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px black;
Div element has "z-index:20", so change it into source if you need.


Basilico Tooltip 0.4 - minimized version

