Php File Cache Maker

Ultimo aggiornamento: 17-04-2013

Php File Cache Maker v. 0.7.1  minimizes CSS and JS files loading time!!
PfcMaker is useful if your server doesn’t support of default gzip or deflate encoding and use .htaccess file slows down too much the server response times.
PfcMaker supports YUI Compressor for js and css minification!!


Minimize your pages loading time is useful for:

“Modern browsers parallelize JavaScript fetches, to improve network utilization with concurrent requests”(source), so I suggest you to use PFCM on single file

How it works:
PfcMaker merges your css or js files in one (no with one file) and it generates a PHP file, unique for these input files, that acts as a cache:
if the browser suppots gzip compression, the PHP scripts sends it the gziped stream otherwise sends the no-compressed stream.
PfcMaker supports Expires(default: 8 days), ETag and If-Modified-Since HTTP caching response headers.

When to use:
Once your html webpages, css and js  are stable!

How to use:
First: you should see the source code for personalize output as: cache dir, temp directory, etc..
So if you use two scripts into yout HTML  page:

<script src=”js/basilicoCarousel.js”></script>
<script src=”js/basilicoSlider.js”></script>

Using pfcMaker in console you should have this:

…\js>php pfcMaker.php js basilicoCarousel.js basilicoSlider.js -use-yui -o basilico

Php File Cache Maker by Luciano Giuseppe v. 0.7.1

YuiCompressor is processing:

Original file(s) total size:19.080 kb

+ Merger: file cache\basilico.js generated – size:19.082 kb
+ Gzip: file cache\basilico.gz generated – size:4.452 kb
+ PHP: file basilico.php successfully generated!

Use only the PHP file in your code instead of: ‘basilicoCarousel.js’,’basilicoSlider.js’!

Work completed!

your have to import only this page into HTML:
<script src=”js/basilico.php”></script>